Category: Philosophy
Monism: A General Theory of The Human Condition, Part 1
Can we form a general theory of the human condition to mirror what physics has in general relativity? What part would ego play in such a theory?
Psychedelic Patents: Medicine should be Free (as in beer)
The first time, our Government killed psychedelics using the Moral Panic. This time will capitalism help, or end up doing the same thing? What do patents have to do with any of this?
Déjà Vécu: On the Subject of Loops
Are we really all just loops of poops, or is there more to this crazy existence? Learn how to see the loops and how to come to terms with them.
WestWorld S04E05 Zhuangzi: Who Really is god Here?
Can somebody who barely even watched this show really review this Episode? They didn’t even watch Episode 4, what is this insanity… Well, might as well come read our review of WestWorld S04E05.
Is There Life After Death?
People die all the time and life goes on, there is obviously life after death. But what about ME you scream? read on friend and find out.
What is “Monism”? Is there really a psychedelic religion?
Psychedelics seem to show us a shared vision of what the universe really is, if only we had a name for that… Monism.
The Power of the Primary Religious Experience
Michael Pollan’s book How To Change Your Mind mentions this phrase in nearly every chapter — but what does the primary religious experience really mean?
How to take off your Emotional Armor
We all wear our own emotional armor to help us deal with a world full of suffering. Come and learn how to take it off.
Computers on LSD, the first conscious AI?
A month ago Google fired an engineer for saying they encountered a conscious AI. Could any of us make that mistake?
Siddhartha: was it the first Psychedelic book?
Was Siddhartha the first Psychedelic book? What does that mean and what can we learn from this great work?